Monday, October 29, 2012

? & Answer !!!

Do every question have an answer?
How often it has happened to you that you been asked a question; you come up with an answer but in your heart you know thats no answer. Remember the school, collage days!!!! I sure do remember my engineering days, when professors used to ask questions. Though somehow the question has an english flavor to it but most often it seems alien. The responses are half cooked answers, humdrum humming of aaaaaaa, hmmmmm, ummmm or the worst of it, silence with a bowed head.

So the question remains… Do every question have an answer or Do every question seeks an answer? Whats the difference!!!! The question of one plus one has an answer two. The answer; outright, proven and definite. How can you smile all the time? Does the question has a clear-cut definite answer like "2". I guess not. If the question does not have an answer then what does it does… it seeks one.