Monday, February 14, 2011

The Flight from Abyss..

"The lower you fall, the higher you'll fly."

"Thudddddd..." Whats that??? That's the sound of the fall. Everyone of us have fallen at some point of time at some point in life. Flip a few pages of your life back and there the list of falling goes on.. The first bicycle ride, the swing in the park, the neighbor's mango tree, the sack race in school athletics, the collage football match, the punch from the school bully... the list can be endless. Oh!!!, if you are too smart not to have fallen physically; then there is no denying you have never FALLEN in Love. :)  The point is falling is impertinent to you or me, rich or poor, successful or loser, big shot or a commoner. We all fall; sometime just to stand up and other times to rise up. This is my story of falling followed by standing and then rising up.